Search for properties that are Prelisted or Listed on RES.NET. View property details and send inquiries regarding the property and/or make an offer directly to the listing agent.
- Search Properties
View property details on homes for sale in RES.NET
Coverage includes the United States and US Territories
- Exclusive Prelist Access
Access properties that have not been listed on the MLS or Public Sites
- Schedule Property Viewing
Contact the Listing Agent to schedule a viewing, or to make an offer
Facilitate the short sale of your property through RES.NET where you have access to over 100,000 industry professionals who can assist you through the process. Whether it's listing the property, ordering title and closing, or negotiating terms, the entire transaction process takes place in one centralized location that facilitates communication between all parties involved.
- Connect to a RES.NET Listing Agent
Select from our database of over 100,000 qualified agents
- Transaction Updates Throughout Process
Communicate with your agent through real time messaging
Assign and complete tasks
- Messaging
Keep communication consistent throughout the transaction
Messages housed in one centralized location
Keep in communication with your agent and vendors connected to the property
- Document Sharing & Storage
Store documents that you need for future use
Access to archived documents, even after the property closes
Documents uploaded through tasks are stored on the property level
- Electronic Signature
Legally e-sign documents from any device
Eliminate the need for faxing and mailing documents
Received signatures from all parties involved within minutes